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  5. Cityherberge


Lingnerallee 3, Dresden, DE

Rooms and Rates

  • Family


    • 24 hour front desk
    • Restaurant
    • Laundry


Boasting a central location in Dresden's Old Town with free WiFi access, this hotel/hostel is an excellent choice for all travelers. The Cityherberge offers a range of room sizes and categories, depending on budget and level of comfort. Functional and attractively decorated, all rooms provide the standard amenities for an enjoyable stay. Some rooms feature an private bathroom. In the Cityherberge's guest kitchen, you will find all you need to store your food and prepare meals, including an oven, fridge, microwave, cutlery, herbs, dishwasher and towels. The 24-hour service doesn't only apply to the reception, but also to the cozy bar, where you can always find a friendly member of staff with tips and recommendations. The Cityherberge is a great base from which you can explore Dresden and all of its famous sights as well as popular night-life spots.

Hotel Amenities

  • 24 hour front desk
  • Restaurant
  • Laundry

Hotel Address

Lingnerallee 3, Dresden, DE

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